Are you a highly creative woman over 50 ready to
Realize What Matters Most To You?
Maybe you’re self-aware enough to know which of these are your ‘usual suspects’
what can be counted on to stop you from just doing the damn thing!
What you DON’T know is how to get over the poverbial hump.
You’d love to turn into someone who’s more able to…
giggle in the face of your negative self-talk
just stop listening to that old “not enough” story
be less tripped up by self-sabotaging behaviors.
If you could do THAT…
then realizing what matters most to you would be able to feel
well, like it’s supposed to feel. . . FUN!
Like the DARING ADVENTURE it’s meant to be.
Trust me when I say, I’ve been on both sides of this one.
Oh boy, have I!
It’s how and WHY the Realize What Matters system came into being.
The Realize What Matters system is designed to get right to the source of ‘the issue’
and then transform EXACTLY – and very SPECIFICALLY – what’s blocking you.
I use the Realize What Matters system to help myself and people like me. . .
And I am ready to help you. . .
TUNE INTO what your heart is saying
TAP INTO your truest self
LEAN INTO your most daring dreams
STEP INTO a joy-filled life
LIVE INTO what lights you up
Release What's in the Way of Boldly Expressing
Who You ARE and Why You're HERE.
Each stage of the program is designed to utilize
your nervous system’s ability to change itself
and tap straight into the best of what you have to bring to the table.
We begin by creating the foundation for your journey. We get clear about what you want now, as well as what is in the way of those desires. We DEFINE both ends of this spectrum as specifically as possible. The more clarity you have – about what you want, as well as what's in the way of it – the better set up you are for what comes next….
Next we go on a treasure hunt for what’s at the source of what limits you. Your upbringing, past experiences, societal norms, cultural conditioning – these are the "causes and conditions" responsible for the limiting beliefs that lead to your limiting behaviors. To move forward, we first need to go FIND the memories connected to the beliefs in the way of your conscious goals. Having located the roots of the issue, we can now ALIGN what’s out of alignment by adjusting what’s held in your subconscious mind and nervous system so that it is in total alignment with your conscious goals and desires.
At this point, the experience of "what’s different now" will be undeniable. Radical as well as subtle positive changes will be felt in the body and you will want to know, “Is this going to last?” Happily, the answer is “Most definitely!" To keep the powerful shifts in your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors — to make them your new normal — you REFINE them by practicing and playing with them. Your commitment to doing what it takes to keep and strengthen the changes you’ve made is the key to a life that is truly DIVINE - a life filled with spontaneously appearing and ever-expanding ideas, possibilities, and opportunities that are a match for what matters most to you!
My story begins in Maine.
Before I moved to New York City to become a stage actress, writer, cartoonist, arts educator, not-for-profit founder, reflexologist, writing mentor to girls, published author and illustrator…
Before all of that, I grew up in a small town in Maine. I was born second eldest of ten children. Ten. There were ten of us.
In my mind’s eye I have an image of my mother when I am a girl of 9 or 10. She is standing at the kitchen sink washing dishes. There is something radiating from her.
“There’s not enough!”
It’s neon sign strong and it gets inside of me. That is how – before I even know what a ‘worldview’ is – I begin seeing through the lens of scarcity.
I was a girl with scarcity consciousness who dreamed of being a great somebody someday. As great as the great French stage actress, Sarah Bernhardt.
…and SCARY to address what’s in the way of creating on a higher level
And is SHOULD feel that way
otherwise it’s not a strectch and you WANT to stretch.
Everyone is different with different needs, so I offer a range of packages:
You can sign on for 4 sessions, 8 sessions or 16 sessions. . .
but the Realize What Matters journey always begins with
a single Introductory Session
so we can be sure we’re a good fit for each other.
I’m as selective about who I work with as you are
and I’m here to produce results,
so I only work 1-on-1 with four clients at a time.
If a Realize What Matters journey sounds like it might be right for you,
schedulde a 15 minute chat with me