Your Choices Matter

Hello Friends,

It may be that the message in last week’s newsletter was a little too glib.

In it I said, “we can all choose…” and then went on to list some high minded things I think we can all choose.

… become more connected… be more embodied… find direction… remove obstacles… cultivate self-love

But can we all do that?

Just choose to do so… and then DO so?

How free are we to choose the thoughts and actions that will move us in the direction we want to be moving? 🏃‍♀️

Hard though it may be (for some), I want to suggest entertaining the idea that we have less free will than we imagine we do.

“We do not have the freedom and free will that we think we do. Yes, you can make conscious choices, but everything that makes up those conscious choices (your thoughts, your wants, your desires) is determined by prior causes outside your control.

 ~ James Clear paraphrasing Sam Harris’ book Free Will


What are those “prior causes that are outside of your control”?

To name a few biggies: the DNA you inherited… the family and the culture you were born into… what happened to you early in life… what happened next as a result of some of that…

You didn’t choose THAT stuff, and yet THAT is responsible for much of what you want – and therefore choose – NOW.

That being said…

“This is not to say that we should just blame our parents for everything that goes wrong in our lives and make no effort to improve ourselves. It is possible to change. And our choices do matter. And there are ways to make wiser ones.”  

~ Sam Harris

The idea that our choices do matter and it is possible to change is why Choose Your Life work exists.

Do you want to…

👉  Better understand the choices you have been making

👉  Learn a practical tool that makes it possible to choose… more wisely?


👉 👉 Then consider taking the Your Choices Matter workshop

June 26th at 5:30 PM 👈👈

Whether the choices are relate to your health, your wealth, your relationships, or your career…


Your Choices Matter 

~ How to use EFT Tapping to Positively Impact Your Choices

Led by Jeanne Demers and Natalie Glynn, the Your Choices Matter workshop introduces you to practical skills and tools to positively impact your choices in life.​

The primary tool you will be introduced to in this workshop is EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques).

EFT is popularly known as ‘tapping’ because it combines elements of traditional talk therapy with physical tapping on specific acupressure points of the body.

EFT Tapping is grounded in science and is clinically proven to reduce the intensity of traumatic memories, conquer phobias, anxiety, stress, compulsions, addictions, food cravings, physical pain, mental blockages, and many other issues that are influenced by our minds.

During this experiential workshop you will learn the theoretical principles of EFT tapping, and be provided with a safe and supportive space to practice applying this powerful technique to how and what you choose.

Join us in learning this quick and simple method that is easy to learn, simple to apply, and can be done by anyone, at any time, anywhere!

Join Us

Monday, June 26th
5:30 – 6:45 PM EST

hosted virtually on Zoom

click here to learn more and register

Oh, and in case you wonder if the hour and 15 min. will be worth it, here’s what people say after our tapping workshops…
With 💖,


💖 💖 💖

Do you want to choose more powerfully?
Do you want to find out if Choose Your Life Coaching with Jeanne Demers & Natalie Glynn is right for you?
You can schedule a time to chat here.
We’d love to talk to you!

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