Hello, friends!
Today is the 5th day of the 14 day launch of the Choose Your Life Coaching program 🎉🎉🎉
This week, in lieu of the Achievements, Desires and Creative Takeaways format, I want to share what I shared on Facebook yesterday.
It is an “origin story” post. And it’s a little vulnerable because within the story is my Achilles’ heel. But that’s exactly what got me into what I do today as a coach.
Here it is…
Many of you I’ve known for a long time. Some less long. In either case, you may or may not be aware of my “origin story” – as in, why I do the work I do as a coach.
It’s a story that’s grown and shifted, so I’d like to tell it the way I see it now. It starts out the same….
I’ve always been a creative. And I’ve always found a way to parlay my creative interests – acting, writing, cartooning – into my way of making a living.
⏳ In my 20’s I acted professionally off-Broadway
⏳ In my 30’s I created after school programs based on the Hero’s Journey story structure
⏳ In my 40’s I mentored girls – helping them to “find, shape, and share their great girl voices!”
That last one led to a bucket list item: I was asked to co-author and illustrate a very special book on self-acceptance.
FLAWD – an energetic guide to seeing your flaws as the doorway to something more – was special because it included the voices of teenagers from around the world who created a movement based on the idea that feeling good about yourself was the best way to end bullying.
⏳ In my 50’s, FLAWD was published and that was a real feather in my cap. Ahhh, success!
⏳ But ALSO in my 50’s I started to get it that I worked wwwaayy too hard… for way too little money.
This was a fact that had largely been missed on me because I got so much personal satisfaction out of my creative-business ventures.
But now it was hitting me like a freight train that my m.o. of “overworking – underearning” was not going to age well. AND I’d better hurry up and address what was in the way of earning well… or I was going to be a sad old lady.
Enter EFT Tapping ✌
Post-FLAWD, I had a keen interest in becoming certified to use the modality of EFT Tapping to help kids transmute self-hatred into self-acceptance. But I ditched that plan and chose, instead, to apply EFT Tapping to helping MYSELF overcome my money blocks.
Short story: I did that work and… it worked!
As in… out of debt, financially stabilized, settled. Settled, as in… married! (Yeah, baby! Addressing “worthiness and deservingness” in ONE area of your life will impact the other areas of your life, too)…
NOW I’m a homeowner… with savings and investments…. growing my coaching business in new and creative ways… able to say big numbers with dollar signs in front of them in relation to how much value I bring.
All to say, I got the “overworking – underearning” thing resolved… and it continues to resolve as what I want from life continues to e-volve.
Enter Natalie Glynn 🤩
Fast forward a few years: I’m enjoying married life and my coaching practice when — while taking an advanced certification program — I meet Natalie Glynn.
I am drawn to Natalie at this moment in time because, well… Natalie is brilliant and I want what she has — chiefly, the ability to…
✨ Treat human consciousness like a puzzle
✨ Deconstruct STUCK stories and put them back together with flexible thinking in place
✨ Understand relationships through a compassionate AND educational lens
✨ Identify the “skills” that created the problem and use those skills to resolve (rather than increase) internal conflict
Much more than just studying together, Natalie and I begin to create together around the themes of…
💟 Human Needs
💟 Human Powers
💟 Mind Mapping
💟 Tapping + NLP
💟 Habit Creation
It feels really important to both of us to bring what we know to more people.
So, that is what is behind (from my p.o.v.) why our new group coaching program, Choose Your Life, has been created.
If you are ready to get out of repeating negative patterns that are stopping you from ___________ (fill in the blank) and attain your specific goals, we would love to help you.
Reply and let me know you are interested – and we can talk!
With ,
P.S. And if we are not already friends on Facebook and you want to be, you can find me here. I would love to get a friend request from YOU!